Glögg recipe, traditional Swedish drink

People: from 6 to 8 | Time: 10 minutes

Glögg is a traditional Swedish drink that is consumed during the months of November and December, but specially at Christmas. It’s characterized for being a mulled wine to which spices are added, like cinnamon, cardamom, or ginger.

It was originated in the year 1500 when, for bad preservation conditions, or long periods of transport, they added spices to the wine to hide its bad taste. Nevertheless, some sources claim that spices were also added 3000 years back and that the first glögg was named “Hypocras” (also a mulled wine where spices were added and that was considered a healing drink).

The reason to why mull the wine is very simple, since it helps you get warm, something useful at autumn or winter in Scandinavia.

Throughout the years, glögg has a special place at Christmas, when family and friend meet to spend time together, while they catch up enjoying a good glass of glögg. But, always accompanied with something sweet, like ginger cookies or cinnamon pastries! ; )

From IKEA we bring you our red spiced wine so you can enjoy this Swedish tradition with your loved ones!




  1. Put the nuts in a glass or mug.
  2. Heat the glögg in a pan without having it boiled.
  3. Is important that it doesn’t boil Serve the wine in the chosen container and eat it with ginger cookies.

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