Annual report 2022
We have grown, we are becoming more and more sustainable, more diverse and we are closer to our customers.
View here the non-financial report 2022 of Grupo Sarton:
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Other non-financial reports:
Non-financial report 2021Non-financial report 2020
Non-financial report 2019
Non-financial report 2018

"Together" means that we all pull together when needed, regardless of our position or role. It may be lending a hand during a busy period or helping others meet an important deadline.
Different with a purpose
With our "rebel" spirit, we challenge convention and drive positive change in our industry and sometimes even in the world. We are tireless entrepreneurs, driven by curiosity, enthusiasm and a desire to create a better everyday life for the most people.
Cost awareness
Our entire business model is based on the idea of low prices and high volumes. This, together with low costs, generates solid long-term profits. And those profits give us the resources to reach even more people with our offer.
Simplicity is being ourselves and not straying from reality. We are informal, we avoid status symbols such as ostentatious titles, we are on a first-name basis, we wear the same uniform, and we travel and meet cost-consciously.
Renovation and improvement
Whatever we do today, we can do a little better tomorrow. A strong desire for renewal and improvement, always for most people, is one of the drivers of our success.
Caring for people and the planet
We want to have a positive impact on people and the planet by offering high volumes of products made from more sustainable materials and using new production concepts, materials and technologies. We help people to live a more sustainable life at home.
Leading by example
We see leadership as an action, not a position. We can lead by taking the initiative and being a source of inspiration to others. Humble, realistic, informal, cost-conscious and attentive to people. But also resolute, courageous, direct, curious and determined.
Assuming and delegating responsibilities
We insist on giving people a lot of responsibility from the start of their IKEA journey. We believe in empowering people and in the power of those who want to develop themselves. And we all grow by taking on bigger tasks.
Benefits of working at IKEA

We are all equal. Always
At IKEA we are strongly committed to Equality, ensuring that everyone who works here has equal opportunities. That's why we have the 1st IKEA Puerto Rico Equality Plan consisting of 126 measures.
We prohibit any kind of discrimination, so we persevere in offering fair treatment, we persevere in offering fair treatment regardless of race, ethnic origin, religion, gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, ideology or any other status.
Leadership positions held by women in our markets
We firmly believe in the professional development of people, regardless of their gender or sex. That's why we are committed to diversity, inclusion and equal opportunities for women and men. We know we still have a long way to go, but at IKEA we work every day to make it clear that we are all equal.

Development opportunities from day one
All employees have the opportunity to grow and apply for internal promotions to continue their personal and professional development.

Learning and growing on the job
We invest in the development of the people who work at IKEA, offering a variety of internal training programmes for those who want to learn new things and continue to grow.

Even lower prices for you
As you may already know, IKEA's prices are fantastic. And they're even better for your co-workers. If you work with us, you get discounts when you shop at any IKEA shop in the world.

Gifts and celebrations
We want to celebrate our success together and enjoy the journey of constant improvement. That's why at IKEA, you'll experience celebrations of achievements and other events and receive unexpected gifts.

Fika [fee:ka]
It's a Swedish tradition that IKEA puts into practice all over the world. More than a coffee break, "fika" is a time for sharing, socialising and relaxing with colleagues. This is when some of the best ideas are born and great decisions are made.