A better world can start today, and it can start in your home. If we all play our part, we’ll make a greener, more sustainable world where we can all live a better life. Small changes that make a big difference. Are you in? 

Takeaway, but sustainable


More and more people are ordering takeaway from their favorite restaurant and taking it away in their own containers with lid. An easy way to avoid all the waste of plastic or cardboard that comes from takeaway food.


Goodbye, plastic straws


In 2020 at IKEA we removed all plastic straws, introducing some more environmentally responsible alternatives to our range. That's why you can now find straws made from recycled paper, stainless steel and even bamboo.


Drinks, also to take away


There's a widespread myth that PET used in bottles can be reused forever. The truth is that plastic loses quality until it cannot be reused anymore, and it needs to be mixed with new plastic. The solution? Avoid using disposable materials and switch to a bottle like this one. It's perfect to keep in your purse or backpack and won't leak chemicals into your drink.