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IKEA's obligations

What is included

You can hire the services we offer you to those items adquired at our stores, shops, pick up points, through our web, IKEA Inspire app or via telephone with out teleordering teams, at Santo Domingo. 

The services offered can be made directly by IKEA or by a recommended external contractor.

What is not included

We are sorry, but they are excluded from the services, although you have adquired them at IKEA:
  • Food items
  • Custom-built countertops (except the services that mention them specifically).
  • Opportunity items.
  • Display items.
  • Already totally assembled items or without their original packaging (except at assemblages/installations and removals).
  • Personalized items.
Besides, we won't perform services at post office boxes and public places.
Important! the items associateed to the service must be fully included at the moment of the hiring. 

First service

Those orders that have all items available will have a first and only service.

You must take into account that we will not perform services associated to items that have not been purchased at the contact points IKEA of Canary and Balearic Islands.

We will contact you the day before the service for confirmation, besides, we the same day we will perform it, we will notify you before arriving to the destination, at the time slot we have agreed.

We guarantee you the compliance of the agreed deadlines, except in cases of force majeure or justified external incidences, such as adverse meteorolgical phenomena, government restrictions, malfunctions, problematic situations regarding traffic or roads that do not allow performing the services at the agreed conditions; this will mean the non compliance of the contract on our side. 

If you are not at the place where the service will be performed, at the agreed date and hour, the contractor that performs the service will wait 10 minutes maximum.

In the case the service is not performed, we will contact you to agree on a new date and will have to pay for the cost of the second delivery, the agenda modification of the installation and/or disassemblage visit and/or installation/uninstalling.

If once the new date is established the 10 days of free storage that IKEA offers are exceeded, you will also have to pay for the storage costs.

Second service

Once you have hired the service with out of stock items (by early sale payment, abonated reservations), we will perform two services, the first with the items on stock and the second to deliver all the billed items on reservation and thus finish the service.

In the case that you have any associated assemblage/installation service we will make a second visit maximum when all the items have been delivered or picked up by you, and we will inform you about the availability for the service performance.

We remind you that the hired services just include two trips, if you need more visits you must pay the correspondent amount for those.

We will contact you the day before to confirm the service and the same day, before the arrival to the destination at the time slot we have agreed.
You must take into account that the same conditions of the first service are applied.

Changes of date

You can change the agreed date of any service without any cost as long as: For delivery:
  • There are less than 2 business days left for the delivery of your order and it will be subjected to availability.
*Take into account that it is not possible to make changes on the 24h delivery dates.

If you want to change the delivery of your transportation more than 10 days you will have to accept the storage cost.
In any case, the delivery, cannot be delayed more than 30 days from the initial agreed date and a maximum of two modifications of the date can be made per service.

For assemlbage/measuring:
  • There are less than 2 business days left for the performance of the correspondent service and it will be subjected to availability. 
For kitchen installation:
  • There are less than 4 business days left for the performance of the correspondent service and it will be subjected to availability.
In any case, the assemblage and/or installation cannot be delayed more than 30 days from the initial agreed date and a maximum of two modifications of the date can be made per service.

Once said time has passed, we will return you the amount you have payed for the items and the service. You must take into account that the quantity correspondent to the storage period and/or the agenda cancelation will not be reimbursed.

Changes of place

You can change the place to perform any service, and this will lead to and additional cost and delays in the performance, besides, the services will be subjected to availability, as long as it is done 2 business days in advance.

Changes of items in your service (add/eliminate)

You can change the items of any service as long as:

There are less than 2 business days left for the delivery of your order or the performance of the correspondent service and it will be subjected to availability.
*Take into account that it is not possible to make changes on the 24h delivery dates.

We remind you that it will not be possible to add items to an already performed service, partially performed, or which creation date is later than 30 days.

Si faltan menos de estos 2 días hábiles y deseas un servicio para estos artículos tendrás que contratar un pedido nuevo abonando los importes correspondientes. 

We will return you the correspondent part to the service that has not been performed, as long as the quantity payed for the service was above its minimum. The return will be made in the same way the service was payed, having passed between 7 and 10 business days minimum from the return request.

Prices and payment methods

You can check the prices and payment methods at out IKEA contact points.

You must pay for the service at the moment of its hiring and through the allowed payment methods at each one of our contact points.

The prices of the services will be informed at the moment of the hiring. Besides, the items associated to the service must be totally included at the moment of the hiring.

*Check here our services rates.

Packaging removal

We will remove for free the packagings of the assemblage/installation items hired from the place of the service performance, as long as they are IKEA items, not others. In the case you don't want them removed it will be necessary that you indicate it to the SUPPLIER that performs the service so they can add the comment at the report.

Furniture and appliances removal service

If you wish we can remove the sofa, mattresses, appliances, old kitchen, to do it you must communicate it when hiring the associated service and pay the correspondent rate.

As a client your responsibility that the items we remove are free of plagues and if this is the case, it cannot be done.

You must take into account that the items must be disassembled and that the dimensions allow its removal, by the access door or any area destined to it to the vehicle of the carrier.


At IKEA we know that accidents can put everyone at risk, specially children.

Working together, we can help preventing them and make your home a safer place.

For IKEA safety is the most important thing, that is why the contractors that will peform the service do not peform assemblages or installations of items suspended at walls nor laminated plaster and/or plaster ceilings, except those in which you have adquired a legal certification by an arquitectural studio where it indicated that the walls have been reinforced.

Those independent complements that are not over 15kg can be installed on laminated plaster lateral walls without having to prive a legal certification by an arquitectural studio.

Those independent complements that are not over 15kg can be installed on laminated plaster ceilings without having to prive a legal certification by an arquitectural studio.

It will be allow the assemblage/installation of not suspended IKEA items that must be assembled or installed to a laminated plaster wall as long as they are assembled with legs and/or rails and/or bolted to the wall. 

We neither perform assemblaged and installation on wood walls or ceilings (it is allowed for SKYTTA), glass, metal, natural fibers and analogs.

We need to know the type of wall to see if we can perform the assemblage/installation. If the conditions of the place where the service is going to be performed imply some risk for the people and/or goods, IKEA can, through the contractor that performs the service, decide not to perform it. Nevertheless, this will not mean the non-compliance of the contract: we will return the amount of the services, items associated to them, discounting the transporation amount.

Fix it

Fix it! Safety is the most important thing that is why we remind you you should use the anti-tipper fixture device that the item includes and the right fitting for your walls.

If you hire an assemblage or installation service:

For safety, in the items where it is indicated at the instruction, we must leave the items fixed to the wall. The acceptance of these conditions means your conformity with the fixing to the wall.

We will use an anti-tipper fixture device that the items includes and the right fitting for your walls.

In the case you don't want to make the fixture, IKEA can, through the contractor that provides the service, decide to not perform it, therefore, we will disassemble and remove the items. You must take into account that the correspondent amount to the service of said items will not be reimbursed such as the delivery, assemblage, installation.

Services schedules

The services schedules will be distributed:

  • Monday to Friday from 08:00 AM to 7:00 PM
  • Saturday from 08:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Always respecting the date and time slot we have agreed with the client at the service hiring.

Place to implement the services

As a client and/or authorized person of legal age and presenting the official identification you must be present and be at the house during the service, as well as sign and add the correspondent identification document at the report when it is finished, it this is not done the service will not be performed, and you will have to pay a new trip to the contractor.

At the hiring of the service you must inform of any aspect that is considered important for its performance (narrow accesses, dirt roads, specific schedules, co-ownership, elevators, number of floors, etc...).

In the case of the premises where the accesses, parking places or similar must be payed they will be covered by you.

At residential complexes, shopping centers, airports and other official bodies you must process the necessary permits and notify IKEA presenting the days and schedules to perform the correspondent service before our arrival.

The area where the service is going to be performed must be free of constructions, damp and plagues, providing a cleared, clean space, and with electric energy and water supply.

Besides, it is necessary that the possible masonry, plumbing and/or electricity works are finished.

The items must be places at the same place of the assemblage and/or installation service performance.

In case of not informing of the data that precludes the service performance, if the determined place does not offer the conditions and required safety, it will not be able to be performed, and it will be considered performed, paying the trip costs.

You will allow us to take pictures and videos of the service that are necessary for the certification of those.

Implementation of the services

A service will be considered performed once you have checked the items and the assemblage/installation with the coworker that provides the service. Besides, you must sign the delivery note/service performance report.

You must arrange with the CONTRACTOR that privdes the delivery service:

  • Where to put the items.
If you have hired the home delivery service, you must indicate just one place to put the items. If the residence has several floors you can choose in which floor you want to place them.

If you have an assemblage or installation associated service, the goods must be place in the place destined for that. In case that you don't initially indicate the correct location of the goods at the service performance, you must pay for a new delivery to move it to the correspondent place.
  • Schedules and conditions of use of the elevators, forklifts and the building's yards, and pedestrian streets.
  • In the case of home deliveries at residences in construction, the CONTRACTOR will not deal with the possible incidences, but for that they must verify it through a picture of the area where they have put the items.

You must arrange with the CONTRACTOR that prives the service/es of assemblage/installation:

  • Where to put the cartons and the rest of waste materials during the assemblage and installation.
  • Rules of use of the electricity, water connections, and of the property accesses.
  • Schedules and conditions of the use of elevators, forklifts and yards of the building.

Items verification

In the case of hiring the delivery service, you must verify the quantity andstate of the received bulks with the CONTRACTOR that provides the service, who will be present while you count at the moment of the delivery.

You will have to sign the comformity (or not) with the number of bulks and their state, after having examined the items. At the delivery note we will give you, you must indicate in writing any relevant aspect. 

For the assemblage/installation service, you must check that it is functional and in perfect conditions. At the delivery note you can indicate in writing any relevant aspect.

Time to claim

Remember that you have 7 calendar days from the service performace to report any type of incidence related to the provided service.

You can contact us through any IKEA contact point.

Services guarantee

The assemblage/installation guarantee is:

  • Santo Domingo: 2 years.

Take into account that it does not cover:

  • Items that have been stored or kept incorrectly, that have been used wrong or improperly, that have been altered or modified, or that have been cleaned with inadecuate products or cleaning methods.
  • Normal wear, scratches or damages caused by hits or accidents.
  • If the item has been placed outdoors or at damp surroundings.
  • Consequent or incidental damages.
  • Items that have been use for public use, except those cases in which the product specifies that it is suitable for public use.
  • Damages due to plagues, damages caused by isoptera (termites of dead or smoked woof, undergorund or fire ants), xylophage (furniture beetle), ants, rats, insects of the anobiid family, lyctid family, cerambycid, wasps, beetles, cossid, or plant plagues or insect that damage the furniture integrity.

Services available for you


Consists on the possibility of financing the adquisition of items or services.

For more information consult it with our coworkers.


Consists on the planification service and assitance made by the specialist coworkers at IKEA adjusting to your needs.

We recommend you provide us a previous measuring of the space with the indicated guidelines to the IKEA expert personnel.

In case of hiring the installation with IKEA it will always be necessary to perform the measuring by our recommended coworker, this service will have an additional cost.

To hire this service you must follow the next steps:

  • You must request a prior appointment through the contact points.
  • Once the service is finish you must proceed to the signing of the design made. 

It will be necessary that your verify your design and provided documentation.

Check at the web the availability and prices of this service.

1. Kitchen planification

Consists on the planification service and assistance of kitchens made by IKEA specialist coworkers adjusting to your needs.

2. Planification of home areas

Consists on the planification service and assistance of the house (minimum two areas) made by IKEA specialist coworkers adjusting to your needs.

3. Wardrobe planification

Consists on the planification service and assistance of wardrobes made by IKEA specialist coworkers at your residence, adjusting to your needs.

4. Wardrobe planification through virtual consultant

Consists on the planification service and assistance of wardrobes made by IKEA specialist coworkers through a virtual appointment, adjusting to your needs.

5. Furniture planification through virtual consultant

Consists on the planification service and assistance of furniture made by IKEA specialist coworkers through a virtual appointment, adjusting to your needs.


Consists on a visit of the recommended coworker to measure the space and the conditions of the area in which the installation will be performed.

If you have planned making several measurings these must be billed separately, including all the complete data of the adress to be able to perform the service.

This service includes:

  • Taking all measures of the room, including: electric and water outlets, smoke vents, property conditions, type of walls/ceilings and any relevant element.
  • Picturs of the area where the custom-built kitchen, wardrobe or countertop is going to be installed.
1. Kitchen measuring
Consists on a visit of the recommended coworker to measure the space and the conditions of the area in which the installation of a kitchen will be performed.
2. Kitchen measuring and verification

Consists on two visits of the recommended coworker to measure the space and the conditions of the area in which the installation of a kitchen will be performed.

It will be necessary in the case of kitchens in construction or those in which any type of modifications of the area are made, after the first measuring visit.

3. Kitchen verification

Consists on a second visit made after the initial measuring, where the recommended coworker verifies those measurings made in the space and the conditions of the area in which the installation of a kitchen will be performed.

4. Kitchen custom-built countertops measuring

Consists on the visit of a recommended coworker, to measure the space and the conditions of the area where the custom-built countertop installation will be made.

this service is associated to the adquisition of a custom-built countertop and to peform it is necessary that the low modules and panels are installed.

The day of the measuring the coworker will measure the furniture and the cuts to be able to elaborate the stone and will arrange with you the details, including where the cuts are going to be placed.

5. Modular wardrobes measuring

Consists on a visit of the recommended coworker to measure the space and the conditions of the area in which the installation of a wardrobe will be performed.

Click and Collect

Consists on a free service so you can remove your purchases made through the web page or teleordering at the contact point chosen by you.

When your items are available, we will send you a notification, but remember that, if you don't pick it up before 3 business days after this notification, we will cancel your purchase and will return the amount fot the items, through the same mean the payment was made.

Check here the deadlines and conditions

Home delivery

Consists on delivering the new items you have adquired at one of our IKEA Santo Domingo contact points, to the destination we have agreed.

1. Parcel delivery

Consists on delivering the new items, of small or medimum dimensions, that you have adquired through our web page, IKEA Inspire app or via telephone with our teams of Teleordering.

To be considered a parcel delivery service the order must meet these characteristics:

  • Maximum weight per item: 20 Kg

Check the deadlines at out web.

This service is not provided with storage, which means that if we cannot deliver the products, we will cancel it and manage the return, deducting the delivery service costs.

2. Delivery to pick up points (PUOP´S)

Consist on delivering the items you have adquired at one of our contact points to the pick up point or shops where you will have them available until their removal.

We will notify you via sms or email when the item is available to pick up, from that moment you will have 3 days to pick it up, once this deadline has ended we will cancel your purchase and will return the amount of the items, in the same way the payment was made.

3. Local delivery

Consists on delivering the new items you have adquired at one of our contact points, to the destination we have agreed.

4. 24h local delivery

Consists on delivering the new items you have adquired at one of our stores, to the destination we have agreed. You can receive your purchase in the following 24 hours after hiring the service.

This service is subjected to availability

*Servicio not available at Pick up pints, Small store, Shop´s. (Except at City Shop 7 Palmas, where the service is available).

5. Kitchens local delivery

Consists on delivering the new kitchen you have adquired at one of our contact points, to the destination we have agreed.

6. Custom-built countertop delivery

Consists on delivering the new custom-built countertop you have adquired at one of our physical contact points.

This service will be performed the same day of the installation of your custom-built countertop.


This consists of picking up the items you have purchased at one of our contact points and delivering them to IKEA for exchange or return.

Excluded from the pick-up service, even if purchased from IKEA, are food products, custom-made countertops, opportunity items, display items, pre-assembled items and customized products.

In addition, items must also comply with our return and exchange policy in order to be picked up. See conditions here for our return policy.
You must ensure that the dimensions allow for pickup through your access door or any area for service.

As a customer it is your responsibility to ensure that the items are free of pests of boring insects, being this the case we will not be able to perform the collection service.

Parcel pick-up

This consists of picking up new items you have purchased at one of our contact points through our parcel service and delivering them to IKEA for exchange or return.

Removal of disassembled items

This consists of picking up new items you have purchased from one of our contact points excluding parcel service and delivering them to IKEA for exchange or return.

Pick up local transport kitchen items

Consists of picking up new kitchen items you have purchased at one of our contact points and delivering them to IKEA for exchange or return.

*Not compatible with a parcel service.

Removal of old items


This is a planning and consulting service provided by IKEA's specialist partners to suit your needs.

We recommend that you provide us with a previous measurement of the space with the guidelines indicated by IKEA's expert staff.

In case of contracting the installation with IKEA it will always be necessary to make the measurement by our recommended partner, this service will have an additional cost.

To contract this service you must follow the following steps:
  • You must request an appointment through the points of contact with you.
  • Once the service has been provided, you must proceed to sign the design.
  • It will be necessary that you verify your design and documentation provided.
  • Check the availability and prices of this service on the web.
Sofa take-back

It consists of removing your used sofa, at the time of delivery of your new sofa purchased at IKEA.

Mattress pick-up

Consists in taking back your used mattress, at the time of delivery of your new mattress purchased at IKEA.

Removal of electrical appliances

Consists of the removal of your old appliance, at the time of delivery of your new appliance purchased at IKEA.

Removal of old kitchen

Consists of the removal of your old kitchen.

The kitchen will need to be disassembled at the time of delivery for removal.

Furniture disassembly

It consists of the dismantling and/or uninstallation of IKEA items, provided that you have purchased equivalent items in any of our IKEA contact points and you have contracted the assembly and/or installation of these, always in the same place where we will perform this service.

Remember that we cannot guarantee the condition of the items once they have been disassembled or uninstalled or the possible incidents that may arise in the disassembly / uninstallation.

Please note that we do not dismantle / uninstall plasterboard/sheetrock walls.

Basic installation of bathroom furniture

It consists of the installation of bathroom furniture, which you have purchased in one of our contact points, including the wall fixings and following the instructions included in the packaging.
This service includes:

  • Assembly of bathroom cabinets, sinks (maximum 2 per room), installation of countertops including their cutouts, connection of the IKEA siphon to the wall and faucet connection to the water outlets. As well as complements, lighting, and mirrors.
  • Anchoring, connections, fastening material, and sealing.

Please note that extra sinks from 2 or more will be charged separately with the corresponding service.

Bathroom deinstallation

It consists of the deinstallation and dismantling of bathroom furniture, as long as you have purchased equivalent products in our IKEA contact points and you have contracted the installation of bathrooms always in the same place where we will perform the installation service.

This service includes:
  • Uninstallation and dismantling of bathroom cabinets, sinks, disconnection of the siphon to the wall, of faucets to water outlets, provided that it can be done without plumbing, masonry, electrical work.
  • De-installation of toilets will be billed per stay.
This service does not include:
  • Uninstallation of custom-made countertops or similar (marble, stone, porcelain...), those attached to the wall, masonry or masonry bathrooms, water heaters and radiators.

Installation of kitchens

It consists of the installation of the new kitchen items you have purchased in one of our contact points, anchored to the wall or ceiling and following the instructions included in the packaging.

This service includes:
  • Installation of interior accessories, lighting, ceiling closures/fault covers, module modifications (bottle racks, tray racks, extractor fan...), installation of IKEA appliances.
  • Upper and lower modules whose ml will be counted separately.
  • Connections, fixing material, and sealing.
  • Second visit for installation of all items in reserve (pre-sale charge).
This service does not include:
  • Cleaning, welding, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry or decoration work.
  • The installation of protective plastic for the interior of the drawers (mat).
  • Installation of trim plugs.
  • Mini kitchens (ÄSPINGE or SUNNERSTA kitchen) which will be billed as a furniture assembly service together with the key installation service.
  • LYSEKIL panels or similar which will be considered as complete installation.
  • NON IKEA appliances. Remember that if your appliances have not been purchased at IKEA and you wish to install them, there will be an additional cost.
  • Gas installation connections or disconnections.
  • Installations on cement-based elevations.
  • Application of protective oil on solid wood countertops.
  • Modifications made at the client's home on the final design.
  • Post custom-made countertop visit for installation of faucet, sink, hob, when you have purchased the custom-made countertop in another store NOT IKEA.
Please note that a kitchen installation is considered to be the installation of kitchen furniture that even if it takes place in any other room of the home, it includes cut-outs (countertops/panels), or any type of electrical and/or water installation.

The installation will ALWAYS be conditioned to the previous contracting of the measurement service with our authorized service provider. This service will consist of taking measurements of the space where it will be installed.

Based on this measurement, the design of your kitchen will be made and adapted.

If you are going to make changes or the space is under construction, it will be necessary to hire the measurement and verification service, this means a second visit to verify the area once the changes and works have been completed by you.

1.Installation of high module kitchens:

This service includes:
  • Assembly and installation of the high modules, closing to ceiling, hinges, doors, fronts, drawers, moldings, side panels, handles, all interior accessories (shelves, baskets, etc.), and kitchen lighting as long as you have the connection points ready.
  • Adaptation of height, width or depth of modules and/or cuts/perforations due to cables, pipes, columns, etc. ...., indicated in the design.
  • Installation of pre-cut decorative panels (as part of the upper linear meters of the kitchen) with vertical and horizontal cuts.
  • Installation of IKEA appliances, with their connection to the electrical installation (socket, preferably prepared with ceramic strip) and to the water supply (supply and drainage), provided that they are properly enabled.
  • Commissioning of the integrated or free-standing IKEA appliance.
  • Closing to ceiling.
2.Installation of low module kitchens:

This service includes:
  • Assembly and installation of base units furniture, hinges, doors, fronts, drawers, plinths, side panels, handles, all interior accessories (shelves, baskets, etc.) and kitchen lighting provided that the customer has the connection points ready.
  • Adaptation of height, width or depth of modules, or cuts / perforations due to cables, pipes, columns, etc. indicated in the design.
  • Installation of decorative panels - pre-cut (as part of the lower linear meters of the kitchen) with vertical and horizontal cuts.
  • Placement of refrigerator/oven grilles under tower baseboards.
  • Installation of pre-cut countertops, including cut-outs for hob, sink, faucet, as well as trim and wall panel. All necessary accessories such as FIXA diffuser barrier, FIXA support hardware (including those required for stone countertops).
  • The installation of overhanging worktops, (those that end with a leg without continuity of furniture at the end of the worktop and the section of worktops without cabinets at the bottom), as well as the anchoring of supports, legs to the floor, support panel, wall coping (coping).
  • Islands must be anchored to the floor to prevent overturning, taking into account that, if it is an island with double modules, the meters must be computed on both sides.
  • Installation of IKEA sinks, faucets and siphons, with a maximum separation from the axis of 30 cm.
  • Installation of IKEA appliances, with their connection to the electrical installation (socket, preferably prepared with ceramic strip) and to the water supply (supply and drainage), provided that they are properly enabled.
  • Includes commissioning of the integrated IKEA appliance or free installation. Connecting cable up to 1.5 meters.
How will the linear meters be counted?
Linear meters of upper modules and linear meters of lower modules will be counted separately.

If there is a room/room adjacent to the kitchen (whether or not separated by a door), it will be considered part of the kitchen and will be included in the same installation service.

Complete kitchen installation
It consists of the installation of a kitchen, following the instructions included in the packaging, you have purchased at one of our contact points.

Kitchen installation KNOXHULT and ENHET
Consists of the installation of a KNOXHULT or ENHET kitchen, following the instructions included in the packaging, which the customer has purchased at one of our contact points.

Installation of modules and/or their components
This consists of the installation of modules and components (legs, hinges, doors, fronts, drawers, plinths, moldings, side panels, handles and all kitchen interior accessories) that you have purchased at one of our contact points and that have not been included in the installation of a complete kitchen. It will be done following the instructions included in the packaging and it will be necessary to add to your contract a visit of a kitchen installer.

In the event that the modules are outside the room intended for the kitchen and/or if there are no water or electricity cuts or connections, the installation of modules and/or their components will be considered.

Installation of IKEA appliances 
It consists of the installation of integrated appliances or not, that you have purchased in one of our points of contact, following the instructions included in the packaging.

You can contract this service when it is not linked to a kitchen installation, and it will be necessary to add a visit from a kitchen installer to your contract.

This service includes:
  • Connection to the electrical installation (plug socket, preferably prepared with ceramic strip) and to the water connection (supply and drainage), provided that they are properly enabled.
  • Connecting cable up to 1.5 meters.
  • Commissioning of the IKEA appliance.
This service does not include:
  • Gas installation connections or disconnections (hobs, ovens).
  • In the case of combined gas and electric appliances, only the electrical part will be mounted.
  • Handling of NO IKEA doors for paneling. Handling of NON IKEA worktops.
Installation of NON IKEA appliances 
It consists of the pre-installation of NO IKEA appliances without integration.

This service can only be contracted if you already have a service linked to a kitchen installation, for which it will be necessary that you provide us with the instruction manual for assembly, otherwise it will not be possible to do it.

You must take into account that it will be necessary that you have provided the measurements of the appliance at the time of billing, and this must be at home the same day of the installation of kitchens, otherwise it will not be possible to perform it.

This service includes:
  • Boxing (hole in one piece and assembled with another), as long as the space is enabled for it.
This service does not include:
  • Electrical or gas connections or disconnections for any NON IKEA appliances.
  • Connecting board wiring.
  • Handling of NON IKEA doors for paneling.
Installation of pre-cut countertops
Consists of the installation of pre-cut countertops, which you have purchased at one of our contact points, following the instructions included in the packaging.

You can contract this service when it is linked to an IKEA kitchen purchase.

This service includes:
  • Hob cut-outs, sink, faucet, as well as the wall trim(s). All necessary complements such as FIXA diffuser barrier, FIXA support hardware.
This service does not include:
  • Cleaning, welding, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry and decoration works.
Installation of custom-made countertop
It consists of the installation of the custom-made countertop.

Remember that this service will ALWAYS be conditioned to a measurement by our authorized service provider. This service will consist of taking measurements of the space where it will be installed.

After the kitchen furniture installation is finished, the marble worker will agree with you a date and time to take the measurements of the definitive countertop, which will serve as a basis for the elaboration of the custom-made countertop. On the day of the measurement, the marble worker will agree with you the details of the tailor-made countertop, including where the joints will be placed.
The sink, faucet and/or hob must be available at the home at the time of the measurement.

Remember that this service will be performed on the same day as the transportation of the countertop.
Once the payment has been made, any change requested by you will generate a cost that will have to be quoted again in the store. It is possible that the final measurements of the countertop may differ from the measurements taken at the time of invoicing, so there may be discrepancies in the invoice.

Each piece of countertop will have a maximum length between 1.90 m and 2.30 m depending on the access to the home where it will be installed, taking into account elevators and stairs. You declare that the information provided is correct and that the place of delivery meets the physical conditions of sufficient accessibility (size of doors, stairs, etc.) to deliver the countertop manually, responding to any expense that may arise as a result of not being able to deliver the countertop once it has been manufactured.

The worktop will be installed within approximately 10 working days after the measurements have been taken, provided that there have been no substantial modifications that would cause a delay in its manufacture.

*Consult specific conditions in your store or delivery point.
  • Until installation is completed, you acknowledge that the kitchen will not have a worktop and therefore cannot be functional, exonerating IKEA from any liability arising from this circumstance.
  • In any case, you agree not to use the countertop until the day after the final installation in order to ensure its proper functionality.
Sink installation
It consists of the installation of the sink with its corresponding hole, as long as it is a pre-cut IKEA countertop that you have purchased in one of our points of contact and following the instructions included in the packaging.

You can contract this service when it is not linked to a kitchen installation, and it will be necessary to add a kitchen installer visit to your contract.

As a customer, you must have all the necessary elements to be able to make the connection: enabled water intakes, siphon.

This service includes:
  • Anchors and fixing material.
This service does not include:
  • Cleaning, welding, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry and decoration works.
Faucet installation
It consists of the installation of the faucet with its corresponding hole, as long as it is a pre-cut IKEA countertop that you have purchased in one of our points of contact, and following the instructions included in the packaging.

To contract this service it must not be linked to a kitchen installation, and it will be necessary to add a kitchen installer visit to your contract.

As a customer, you must have all the necessary elements to be able to make the connection: enabled water intakes, siphon.

This service includes:
  • Anchors and fixing material.
This service does not include:
  • Cleaning, welding, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry and decoration works.
NON IKEA sink installation
It consists of the installation of a NON IKEA sink with its corresponding hole, as long as it is a pre-cut countertop or IKEA made-to-measure countertop that you have purchased in one of our contact points with you, and following the instructions marked on the articles.

To contract this service it must be linked to a kitchen installation and it will be necessary that you provide us with the instruction manual for its assembly, otherwise it will not be possible to carry it out.

You must take into account that it will be necessary to provide the measurements of the sink at the time of billing, and this must be at home the same day of the kitchen installation, otherwise it will not be possible to do it.

As a customer, you must have all the necessary elements to be able to make the connection: enabled water intakes, siphon.

This service includes:
  • Anchors and fixing material.
This service does not include:
  • Cleaning, welding, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry or decoration works.
NO IKEA faucet installation
It consists of the installation of NO IKEA faucet with its corresponding hole, as long as it is a pre-cut countertop or custom-made IKEA countertop that you have acquired in one of our points of contact with you, and following the instructions marked on the articles.

To contract this service it must be linked to a kitchen installation and it will be necessary that you provide us with the instruction manual for its assembly, otherwise it will not be possible to perform it.

You must take into account that it will be necessary that you have provided the measures of the faucet at the time of billing, and this must be at home the same day of the installation of kitchens, otherwise it will not be possible to perform it.

As a customer, you must have all the necessary elements to be able to make the connection: enabled water intakes, siphon.

This service includes:
  • Anchors and fixing material.
This service does not include:
  • Cleaning, welding, painting, plumbing, electrical, masonry or decoration works.
Covering for missing/closing to the ceiling
It consists of the installation of a panel between the high kitchen units and the ceiling that you have purchased in one of our points of contact, and following the instructions marked on the articles.

The closures to the ceiling / covers lack should not exceed 20 cm or be less than 5 cm.
To contract this service must not be linked to a kitchen installation and a minimum of 2 linear meters will be invoiced.

We are sorry, but in case of irregular ceilings we will not be able to perform the service.

Modification of the installation schedule
Remember that if you cancel or postpone the complete kitchen installation service without prior notice with less than 4 working days you will have to pay a cancellation or modification fee.

You should know that we can not delay more than 30 days from the date initially agreed, and we can make a maximum of two date changes per service as long as they do not exceed the maximum period, after that period, we will cancel the order, we will refund the amount you have paid the customer for the service, and will not be refunded the service modification / cancellation agenda assembly and installation.

Uninstallation of kitchens
It consists of the uninstallation of a modular kitchen, as long as you have contracted the installation of a kitchen, always in the same place where we will perform the installation service.

We will try to guarantee the condition of the items once they have been disassembled or uninstalled, we will not be responsible for possible incidents arising in the disassembly / uninstallation.

This service does not include:
Disassembly of custom-made countertop or similar (marble, stone, porcelain...), masonry or masonry kitchens, concrete elevation (cake), heaters and gas hob.

Visit of kitchen installer

Consists of the visit of the kitchen installer for services not associated with a kitchen installation.


This is the free supervised service, where children can play, have fun and do activities while staying at Småland, while their guardians enjoy the facilities and do their shopping.

Remember that to enjoy Småland it is necessary:
  • The user's age must be between 3 and 10 years old.
  • To register and/or sign up at the entrance register.
  • In the event that the room capacity is full and you wish to access the area, sign up on the waiting list.
  • As a guardian, you must provide an official identification document for registration at the entrance and exit of the child. Remember that the same person who has provided the data for the access of the child must be the one who will pick him/her up.
  • Access free of objects, food, drinks and/or medicines.
  • Use socks to access the area.
  • Use the identification device (bracelet, vest...) that we assign.
  • Comply with the stipulated time of stay of the child in the room.
  • For safety reasons, as a guardian, you must remain in IKEA while the child stays in Småland.

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